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same name
可用年限结束后的价值 桑南 同名  detail>>
the name’s the same
名称相同”  detail>>
channel of the same name
同名经  detail>>
channels of the same name
同名经  detail>>
having the same name
相同名字  detail>>
meridians with the same name
同名经  detail>>
of the same surname and given name
同名同姓  detail>>
a film based on a novel of the same name
根据同名小说摄制的电影  detail>>
be the same as
与…一样  detail>>
be the same with
适用于,与...一样  detail>>
by the same
由于同样原因  detail>>
is the same as
三千大千世界  detail>>
it is the same as
和…一样  detail>>
it is the same with
亦复如是  detail>>
 adj.  〔常 the same〕  1. 相同的,同样的,同种的 (as); 同一个 (with; that; who; which)。 2.(...  detail>>
same as
等同于  detail>>
such same
或经常用在  detail>>
the same
同一者 一样  detail>>